
Is there any chance that viruses, bacteria and/or other germs can develop a resilience to SNiPER® (some sort of anti-SNiPER® mutation of the virus)?

No. The means of disinfection employed by SNiPER® prevent any chance of immunity, developed resilience, or evolved defense / protective mutation to protect the organism from SNiPER®.

Does SNiPER® need any kind of special training to use and keep it effective?

SNiPER® is very user friendly and shelf stable. Anyone can be rapidly trained to use SNiPER® effectively in multiple application processes.

Can it be affected by other material such as bleach?

SNiPER® can be affected by certain other chemicals including bleach and should not be mixed with any other product.

Since you indicate that SNiPER® can be affected by certain chemicals including bleach, should the treated area be washed before applying SNiPER®?

If the area is contaminated with chlorine specifically then a wash down may be appropriate. With other chemicals such as ammonia, SNiPER® has the unique ability to eliminate the contaminant without leaving harmful byproducts.

Are there any cases SNiPER® is ineffective for disinfection?

We have no history in which SNiPER® has not been effective for disinfection. The characteristic of the formula has consistently proven it to be an ideal biocide.

Is there any material SNiPER® can harm? Metal, wood, plastic, rubber etc…?

SNiPER® is harmless to materials such as metal, wood, plastic, rubber, etc. It is only active against micro organisms, spores, certain chemicals and VOC’s.

How does SNiPER® handle higher room temperatures than 20C? Is there a difference in effectiveness? How does SNiPER® handle humidified environments? Is there a difference in effectiveness? What is the storage temperature of SNiPER

SNiPER® will not be harmed by high temperatures in a room. The effectiveness will not be compromised below 55 C. Likewise, SNiPER® will be unaffected by humidified environments. As long as it is in a sealed container, the storage temperature does not matter.

Are there advantages of applying SNIPER with electric atomized sprayers ?

The most efficient way to disinfect hospital rooms, locker rooms or other large rooms or facilities is by using an electric ULV or electrostatic sprayer that will create a fine mist or fog to treat objects, walls, floors and ceilings in a short amount of time. SNIPER is able to be applied in this manner due to its non-corrosiveness to the environment.

How versatile is SNIPER?

One of the main attributes of SNIPER is its versatility and freedom of application. SNIPER'S disinfection technology provides consistent high-level efficacy. SNIPER'S non-abrasive environmentally friendly characteristics makes it an extremely versatile product that is able to be utilized in several different industries within a wide scope of applications. Listed are a few examples of where SNIPER is being utilized:

  • Hospitals and Medical Facilities
  • Schools and Universities
  • Veterinary and Pet Grooming
  • Food Processing Plants
  • Poultry Farms
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Water Tower Microbial Control
  • Law Enforcement/EMS/Fire Dept.
  • Industrial VOC Treatment (Oil& Gas)
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Environmental Service Companies
  • HVAC Companies
SNIPER utilizes Chlorine Dioxide, so what differentiates it from products that utilize Chlorine?

Although Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) has the word Chlorine in its name, the chemical structures are completely different. The additional oxygen atom radically changes the molecule and creates a completely different chemical behavior. Their differences are profound as those between Hydrogen, the explosive gas, and Hydrogen combined with Oxygen, which creates Di-Hydrogen Oxide - commonly called water. The Chlorine Dioxide in Sniper is a revolutionary formula that is extremely stable and generates no harmful by-products.